Give to Disaster Relief--2012 Superstorm (Sandy)
Your faithful giving is greatly appreciated
Share your story about Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy
On All Saints Day remember those affected by Hurricane Sandy
"The church is catholic, universal, so are all her actions; all that she does belongs to all."
These are the words of John Donne, a cleric and poet, written upon listening to the death knells that rang each day announcing how many had died of the plague in seventeenth-century London.
On All Saints Day as we remember all the saints whose witness prompted our faith in Jesus Christ, let us also remember our brothers and sisters who have been impacted by the massive storm that hit the eastern United States and parts of the Caribbean.
Please pray for the millions of people who have been affected by this storm. Stand in the GAP for them.
There are ways you can help:
Provide financial support to aid in recovery efforts. You can give $10 now by texting PDA to 20222 or mail your gift referencing DR000187 to P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA.
Act. Make "Gift of the Heart" kits - clean up buckets, baby kits, hygiene kits and school kits. More than 18,000 kits have already been sent.
Organize volunteer teams. There will be tremendous need for volunteer teams to help in the clean-up and recovery efforts — that will span multiple states — including many communities still recovering from Hurricanes Irene and Lee.
Pray. Pray for families who lost homes and loved ones. Pray as they face power loss and other challenges brought on by further inclement weather. Pray for those seek to provide physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. Pray the hope of Christ will be evident in our response.
Situation Reports
Hurricane Sandy no Halloween treat - First word to describe the storm's damage:'Historic' – Presbyterian News Service story by Jim Nedelka, October 31, 2012
On All Saints Day, remember those affected by Hurricane Sandy – October 30, 2012
Continuing to monitor Hurricane Sandy, which struck in the Caribbean and is heading for the East Coast of the United States – October 29, 2012
Hurricane Sandy initial report – October 26, 2012
Sandy response: Bulletin Insert (color)
Sandy response: Bulletin Insert (black and white)
Call to Prayer by church leaders as Hurricane Sandy continues to rage
Sharing the story – where do you see God at work in the storm's aftermath?
Gift of the Heart Kit Cleanup Bucket - bulletin insert with instructions to prepare a bucket for response to U.S. disasters.
Bulletin insert with instructions to prepare a Gift of the Heart Kit Clean Up Bucket for response to U.S. disasters.
We See the Waters, hymn related to floods and storms by Clay Gunter
Service of pastoral care for those who have lost a home to earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or other disaster (adapt for specific needs and local circumstances.)
Prayers in Times of Trouble and Disaster, prepared by the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship
The PDA Call Center has information about current opportunities for volunteer work teams around the nation. Find information online or call (866) 732-6121 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (866) 732-6121 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
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