Thursday, July 5, 2007

For Such A Time As This.... Why Stay in the PC(USA)? -- PFR Article Two: Is There a Witness in the Church? [excerpt(s)/ed]

[It] is important for us to realize at this moment in our history.... among members [in] the Presbyterian Church (USA) there has never been a better time to be a true evangelical—a bearer of the Great News of the gospel.

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is not a lost cause. It is not a fraternity of faithless people or a hotbed of heresy. It is merely a reflection of our own spiritual neediness and our own Great Commission complacency.

...the Acts of the Apostles, and the dynamic witness of the contemporary Church throughout the developing world should remind us that the power of the Holy Spirit, unleashed in lives obedient to Christ, can redeem cities, and nations, and even denominations without breaking a sweat.

"Why Stay?" Article Two: "Is There a Witness in the Church?"
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Written by Paul Detterman
Friday, 15 June 2007